5 Gift Ideas for Bloggers

If you are not a blogger but have a blogger friend whom you want to gift something that would help them stay organized, feel productive, and motivated, then this article is for you. Here is the ultimate list of 5 gift ideas for bloggers.


While running low on motivation to write, a set of colorful and funky pens might make a huge difference. Many bloggers claimed to change their regular set of stationery when they are having a hard time focusing. It doesn’t matter if they already have a set of regular markers, gift them a new set of the same thing but in different shapes. Like with cute faces or fruits at the back, or scented gel pens or themed. You can also gift them:

Wax stamp kit.

Doodle stickers.

Kawaii notebooks.

Memo cat gel pen.

Vintage envelopes.

Set of galaxy sticky notes.

A pack of scrapbook paper.

Star constellation washi tapes.

Other than you can gift them a cute mug, or a photo frame with meaningful inspiration quotes, etc.

Blog Planner

There are so many cool yet effective blog planners out there which work specific to a blogger’s needs. This option is the best pick for you from this list of 5 gift ideas for bloggers, if you do not have a deep pocket but want to help them stay motivated and organized. Some of the famous are:

Passion Planner.

Happiness Planner.

Create Planner.

Epic Planner.

Essential Planner.

Find more on Amazon and Etsy.


If you can’t choose the right gift for your blogger friend and it seems like you never would then go for a bouquet. Flowers can never go wrong, moreover, they would help your friend! The beauty of flowers, their color, and their aroma has a huge effect on a person’s mood. They instantly boost a person’s serotonin resulting in a feeling of happiness and calmness.

Stress Reliever

Working and earning is a huge deal. It takes a lot of effort to be good at work while being a good friend, sibling, parent, in one word, a good person. Meeting the deadlines, coming up with something catchy and new every time, trying not to lose motivation, etc must be hard to bear. Gift them a couple of stress reliever gifts like:


Box of gum.

Fidget Cube.

Fidget spinner.

Squishy balls.

A box of teas.

A coffee maker.

Scented candles.

Essential oil diffuser.

Bubble pop phone cover.

However, while gifting a set of tea, coffee, or chocolate, make sure to warn them to keep the intake balanced. A high dose of caffeine may result in increased anxiety.


Successful or not, everyone should always be thirsty for knowledge. After all, success comes to those who never stop learning. Gift your blogger friend a book like:

The desire map by Danielle LaPorte

Secrets of the millionaire mind by T.Harv Eker

Secrets of blogging your way to a 6-figure income by Darren Rowse

Psycho-cybernetics by Maxwell Maltz

If your friend is not a blogger but an entrepreneur, then here are some books for entrepreneurs:

Crushing it

Years of yes

You are badass

Girl, wash your face

Girl boss

How to win friends and influence people

Chop wood, carry water

7 habits of highly effective people

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