Contemporary flower bouquet wrapping styles

Flower bouquets are always everyone’s favorite. It is a perfect way of presenting flowers to anyone. Flowers speak their own language. The fragrance and the freshness play its part. If you want to make your loved ones happy nothing is better than presenting them with fresh flowers of their favorite colour. A bouquet never gets old. You can always make the best out of it. The bows tied with a glitter wrapping paper covered all around makes the best gift. The bouquets can have different types of flowers. You can also order a custom one. You can make the flower arrangements as you like. You can also select the size, colour and texture of the wrapping paper. Everything will be as you like. Here are some styles that will wrap up your bouquet just the way you want for your occasion:

Bunch with double wrapping paper

This looks amazing. The fun thing about this style is that you can use two wrapping papers of different colors. This makes it look more nice and different. You can choose the color and size. Most of the gift bouquets are wrapped up like this but this is totally your choice. Moreover as it gives a look of a bunch you can use a bow to tie them. A ribbon can also do the trick. You can also separate flowers of different colors by placing wrapping papers between them. This increases the size of the basket too. A perfect bunch of flowers with double wrapping paper is waiting for you.

Flowers arranged in a vase shaped cardboard

This bouquet style is new. It looks amazing when your favorite flowers look like they are arranged in a vase. For this style the vase is usually made of cardboard which makes it light in weight and easy to carry. It looks like a decoration piece. The one you present with this bouquet can keep it as it is. Moreover this arrangement is nowadays used for decorations at a party or even a wedding. This bouquet style is becoming a trend using different colors of cardboards and wrapping paper. You can even print initials on the vase.

A basket bouquet

A basket bouquet never gets old. You can always use a basket of flowers to cheer up your loved ones. If you are planning on presenting a basket bouquet you can be more creative. The basket can always have room for chocolates and cards. This makes it a perfect combo. The fresh flowers arranged in a basket look amazing and attractive. There are many new styles like you can cover the basket with ribbons. Moreover you can wrap a transparent wrapping paper around the basket. It looks like a mini bunch of happiness. Such baskets are also preferable for table arrangements during any function or wedding. You can also find a variety of basket styles with various sizes. The colour can also match or contrast with the color of the flowers.

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