Eid Gifts and Flowers for Your Fiancé

Is it always a hassle to find the perfect gift for your fiance? No matter how much you know them, no matter how long you keep scrolling through all these articles that guide you through this long neck-breaking process of choosing the perfect gift for someone you love so much, cannot you still find it? No worries, like always, we have got your back, today we have a list of Eid gifts and flowers for your fiancé. Apart from the common eid gifts like jewelry, watch, clothes, money, henna, perfume, sandals, etc, you will know exactly what you are going to buy and from where, by the end of this article.

2 in 1 Phone Sanitizer and Charger

In this hard time of covid, this gadget is a must-have for everyone. We sanitize everything but not our phone in the fear of the liquid going in the holes or sockets and somehow ruin one of your phone’s features. Even though it is something we stay in contact with every time. This phone sanitizer does not only sanitize it but also charges it, what more one can ask for? People are also using it for keys, jewelry, AirPods, credit card, and cash.

Audio Sunglasses

These cool-looking sunglasses are not your ordinary shades. They not only add to your looks but help you listen to music anytime, anywhere. It can be connected via Bluetooth allowing you to take calls, stream music, use google assistant, and much more. This is our favorite in this list of Eid gifts and flowers for your fiancé.

Head to Toe Collection

Give him this head-to-toe collection, allowing him to get all that he needs in one go. This will encourage him to pamper himself here and there between his office, gyming, and gaming routine. However, this one is a male-only product but you can find a nice and reasonable gift set of self-care for your girl.

On The Roger Snickers

This everyday style snicker is making everyone lose their mind due to its high-performance ultra-thin CloudTec cushioning that helps relax the muscles of your feet while you do all the walking and jogging. This is a perfect pick from this list of Eid gifts and flowers for your fiancé.

Personal Handwritten Wallet

If you love to remind him of your presence or love now and then but do not want it to be seen by other people, this is the perfect one for you. Gift him this very basic-looking wallet, from the outside. But on the inside, you can write a small cute message for him in your handwriting and get it engraved on the side. Reminding him of you, whenever he sees it.
Pair these gifts with a bunch of flowers that express love like camellias, chrysanthemums, red lilies or roses. Order these flowers from The Flower Studio and get them delivered to you at the time you want it to be delivered. They deliver anytime you want, be it same-day delivery, midnight delivery or early morning delivery.

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