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Snake Plant

Rs 2,770

Snake plants are one of the most popular houseplants, for good reason. It’s incredibly drought-tolerant, able to go weeks without water in low and medium lighting conditions. The snake plant is one of those plants known for both looking good and improving air quality


Erect, fleshy, sharply-pointed, sword-shaped leaves are deep green with light gray-green horizontal stripes. Leaves rise stiffly in a rosette from a thick rhizome


Snake plants grow best with 8 to 10 hours of indirect sunlight or a few hours of early-morning direct sunlight. Too much direct sun causes can burn the plant and damage its leaves. Snake plants tolerate some shade, but lack of light can stunt growth and dilute the plant’s color

Water your snake plant when the soil has completely dried out, being sure to water deeply. During winter, check the plant’s soil mix every two weeks or so—the plant might need to be watered only once a month. If you notice its leaves are brittle and dry, water immediately

Health Benefits

In addition to providing a bit of ambiance, snake plants have a number of health benefits, including

  1. filter indoor air
  2. remove toxic pollutants
  3. may help boost mental health
  4. easy to care for
  5. effective against allergies
  6. may help enhance the “energy” of a space
  7. can help with minor ailments
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Snake Plant
Rs 2,770