Right Bouquet for The Right Occasions

No doubt choosing the right gift can be challenging, which is exactly why we told you the evergreen gift that can never go wrong. Flowers! However, it is still a hard task to choose the right flower for the right bouquet for the right occasions. If you are a perfectionist or just someone who finds it difficult to make decisions where you have multiple choices, this must be a little too tough for you. Thoughts like, “Which flower would be perfect for this event?” “What message will this bouquet convey?” “Would it feel right if I replaced this colored flower with that colored flower?” might swirl around your head. If this is too relatable, then this article is you!

Birth Bouquet

The birth of a baby is always overwhelming. Even if the baby is not of your immediate family and is of a friend. Even if you were preparing yourself for the whole 9 months. Still, the moment you look at its face, your heart skips a beat and tears make their way to your eyes. Why not celebrate such a beautiful moment with a gorgeous bouquet? Allergy-friendly flowers for birth bouquet are:

  • Orchid
  • Daffodils
  • Camellia
  • Hyacinth
  • Lily

Valentine’s Day Bouquet

The day of admiration and love, Valentine’s Day, definitely calls for a beautiful bouquet. But do we need to look for the right flower for the right bouquet for the right occasion aka Valentine’s Day? If you are still reading, then we guess, the answer is a yes. What can be a better flower than a rose when we are talking about love? Other than that, the right flowers for Valentine Day bouquet are:

  • Rose
  • Pink tulip
  • Hydrangea
  • Red carnations
  • Alstroemeria

Graduation Day Bouquet

You study hard for 10 years in school to get into the best college possible then squeeze the last drop of your sweat out to get into the university that works for you. Then another 4-5 years of a bone-chilling rollercoaster ride of betrayals, hardships, politics, friendships, heartbreaks, enjoyment, and a lot of grooming, alongside studying. After all this, you finally make out of that precious hellhole alive and sane. This calls for a great celebration with a huge bouquet. The right flowers for the graduation day bouquet are:

  • Orchid
  • Sunflower
  • Lily
  • Carnation
  • Daisy

Get Well Soon Bouquet

Life is all about ups and downs. Just like there are happy days and sad days, there are also healthy days and sick days. Get well soon bouquets are not only for those who came out of surgical rooms, even though it is a great blessing to make out of there alive. But surviving every day in this era is no less of a blessing. So, if you have someone who is suffering from an illness as small as a fever, cheer them up with a bouquet and a few of their favorite snacks. The right flower for a get-well-soon bouquet are:

  • Sunflower
  • Yellow rose
  • Jasmine
  • Daisy
  • Lavender


When you are doing so much effort searching for the right bouquet for the right occasions you don’t want it to get ruined by any small wrong move. Here is a list of basic dos and don’ts while choosing flowers:

  • Do your research.
  • Do not wait for the last moment.
  • Do not buy in a hurry.
  • Make sure they make the bouquet in front of you.
  • Don’t go overboard.
  • Don’t just buy roses, there are other flowers too.
  • Don’t let the florists put whatever chemicals on the flowers or in the water to make them long-lasting.
  • Give it a personal touch, don’t just buy the ready-mades.
  • Don’t ignore the note.
  • If you choose to get it delivered to you online, don’t ignore the reviews.
  • Keep a safe distance between the delivery time and the time you are going to give the bouquet.

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