Choosing the Appropriate Vase for your Flowers

Flowers are known to add life as well as a tinge of color to an otherwise dull and gray space. It is however imperative that the appropriate vase is picked to display the flowers of choice to have the desired impact. Bringing home a bunch of flowers and placing them in any vase found lying around the place would not necessarily look as well put as it would if some thought is to go in the placement and right vase selection; in essence, the role of the two should be complementary rather than overdone. Neither the flowers nor the vase is to outdo the other because then the entire outlook would more likely be rather bland.

When picking the right vase, imperative aspects to be taken into consideration are:

  1. The vase’s height
  2. The vase’s shape
  3. The vase’s size
  4. The vase’s opening

People often tend to use vase fillers like extra branches, blooms, decorative pebbles, and foliage to enhance the setup’s outlook and in turn, space’s outlook as well.

We have curated types of vases to aid you in picking the right one; they are as follows:

Cylindrical Vases

Flowers that tend to either have taller stems (for instance, lilies/roses, etc.) or have sizable heads (for example, peonies, etc.) work well when coupled with tall cylindrical glasses (preferably, made of glass) as they provide firm support.

Cylinder vases that are narrow necked are also a great pick for gigantic as well as slender flowers. In this setup, the flower tends to garner more attention as opposed to the vase and they thus fit in with the minimalist décor people choose to opt for.

Bowl Vases

Bowl vases are generally shaped like a fishbowl with a round and wide bottom as well as a narrow opening. They provide structure to shorter flowers.

Cube Vases

With these tricky vases, it is imperative that bulky flowers be used and their stems cut to the size of the vase. These flowers can then be compartmentalized together compactly in a large number.

Tank Vases

Tank vases shaped like a square enable the flowers (or a bouquet) to spread out as there is enough room. These vases, unlike some of the ones mentioned before, are not minimalist. Their extravagance fits well with the modern architectural categorization.

Needless to mention, it all comes down to the shoppers’ personal preferences; at the end of the day, it is 2019 and everything works well as long as it piques one’s interest and makes them happy.

Happy shopping, folks!

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