
These large showy flowers that we all have seen at least once as our default desktop wallpaper, are known for their bright colors. Other than this do you have any information about this flower? Probably not, the fact that we all know this flower but not know anything about it is quite fascinating. Therefore, today we are here with as much information as we could gather, for you to gain a generous knowledge about tulips.


Perfect Love

Generally, tulips symbolize deep love. Being the first flowers to bloom in Spring, they also mean rebirth. Yellow tulips mean happiness, cheerfulness, and hope, it is believed that planting yellow tulips in front of your house will bring prosperity and good luck. Purple represents royalty while pink tulips represent confidence and happiness. Red tulips symbolize true love. White tulips convey the message ‘I’m sorry’ and forgiveness. Victorians connect tulips with charity.


The best time to plant tulips is in the fall so that they will grow roots before it starts getting too cold. Plant tulips in well-drained soil that is neutral to slightly acidic, fertile, and sandy. Tulips prefer full sun. If the sun is too harsh, sit them in a shady place as they do not like heat. Plant tulips in a large space, leaving about 4-6 inches between the bulbs and 6-8 inches deep down the ground. Tulips bloom for only 3-7 days in Spring. If it rains weekly do not water but if it does not, water it weekly till the ground freezes. Even after getting cut and placed in a vase, tulips will keep growing from around 1 inch. Even in the vase tulips will bend and grow towards the sunlight.


  • Tulips have 3 petals and 3 sepals, but the sepals are the same size and shape as the petals which is why it looks like tulips have 6 petals, making their buds almost perfectly symmetrical.
  • Tulips are originally wildflowers growing that came from Central Asia. In 1000AD Turks first cultivated them. They got popular when they reached the Netherlands.
  • There are 150 species of tulips with 3000 varieties.
  • Tulips are considered romantic flowers and gifting them conveys the message of delicate but firm beauty.
  • Tulips come in almost every color.
  • Tulips used to be many Persian poet’s favorite inspiration back in the 13th century.
  • Tulips used to be expensive flowers. During 1634-37, they used to cost 10 times more than an average working man’s salary, making them more expensive than some homes. That period is known as Tulip
  • Mania. During that period, tulips became a major trading product in Holland and other parts of England, a handful of bulbs cost about $44,000.
  • The Netherlands is known as Tulip land, being the world’s largest commercial producer of tulips with over 3 billion exported per year.
  • Tulips are edible, their petals can replace onions in some recipes.


  • Tulips extract is used in many cosmetic products.
  • Tulips are best for dry and sensitive skin.
  • Tulips are used in creams and lotion.
  • Tulips extract is used in essential oil and perfumes.
  • Tulips are used as a remedy to cure cough.
  • Tulips are used for sinus pain.
  • Tulips reduce the risk of cancer.
  • Tulips cure fever and headache.
  • Warm-up 2-4 tulips in hot water. Dig a towel in that water, roll the petals on the towel and crush them. Use the crushed petals as a poultice that is known to be excellent for a bee sting, insect bites, rashes on the skin, and burns.

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